Darbin Orvar

Building & Making on Youtube

Darbin Orvar - Girl in a Shop

My adventures in building, diy, construction, testing and finishing.

Women in Woodworking (3rd Podcast)

Itunes: https://itun.es/i6Sx4jF

Sound Cloud: https://soundcloud.com/darbinorvar

RSS Feed: http://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:153407357/sounds.rss

In many ways, ever since I began woodworking seriously I have been wondering why there weren't more women involved in making things. I mean woodworking, but also building anything with metal, cnc and engineering too. 

I don't think it is a surprise to anyone that women are not generally associated with woodworking. I mean there are examples, but for the most part women are bunched in with the softer crafts like sewing, cooking and home décor. If instagram is any indication though, there are a lot of women giving woodworking and design a new life that is both nuanced and practical.

I think the focus here in my mind is where are things going from here. I try not to pay too much attention to the past, I am future-oriented and am really excited to see where the new-found freedom in building, engineering and design goes. I come from one basic perspective, people behave based on what is around themselves. If you expose men and women, boys and girls to building many will be interested, if we do not then they are unlikely to think about it as a way to express themselves.

I don't agree that we should accept the concept of gender-based behaviors as they are assumed to relate to woodworking and building. I believe things are learned, learned through our environments, and our environments are vast and complicated. Lets agree there is no “building gene”, and that lots of people would benefit from the experience and pleasure of building and woodworking, if only it was presented in a way to attract more interest.

It seems like we often impose barriers to subjects on ourselves or others all the time. Many of these preferences are because of a wrong perspective, like that certain people can do math, and some cannot. Other subjects just seem more male, which can bar women from thinking about them as an option as well. It is more likely that these environments we either create ourselves or adopt from our families are just wrong. I believe that if you want to be a good example and encourage others to learn to express themselves in woodworking, making or even science you must watch out how you yourself believe about these subjects. You are really more of an influence on others than you realize. 

New Podcast - Thoughts on Shop Organization

This is my shop from about a year ago...

Organizing spaces can be daunting for some, and a thrill for others. I love an organized shop. I am the type who needs to see what they have on the walls, or be able to have memorized every single item in a few specific important drawers. Some people hates shelves, some dislike drawers, I fall into the middle somewhere and try to look at the overall environment more than one specific type of organization.

I guess the first thing I think about is getting a basic overview of your tools and supplies. Generally I look at it this way, have I used that tool, or supply in the last year? This goes for any tool, like an old drill, or any scrap wood or paint that has not been used in quite a while. Most of my initial organization centers on how often I need that thing.

I like to keep my most important and often used tools right near me, usually out in the open. This includes many of my hand tools like chisels, planes and rulers. I also love to have one go-to drawer that has many small tools like utility knives, small screw drivers, measuring tapes...etc. You can see in my shop that I have exactly this setup with a wall of tools right behind my main workbench and a set of 10 drawers below that. I am always rearranging what is in some of these drawers to account for how to better use the space, but the main smaller ones I keep the same over time.

I have tried to organize my shop into little zones or areas. The first thing I designed and created was the main workbench with the tool wall and counter/drawers behind it. This is the most important area because I stand there all the time. The second most important area is the computer area with the desk and printer. While many people do not have a computer area in their shop I find it to be space put to good use. Besides designing projects on paper as well as on the computer, the x-carve needs a computer connection to operate so it has become a vital part of the shop. Another important but overlooked point is that this is a business and you need to keep contacts and company information somewhere that you can work throughout the day, so the printer and file cabinet is quite important for that type of organization.

Those two areas are the most important in my shop and were designed right off the bat. Other areas such as my new tinker area have developed over time, and are still in development. Even though my shop is very small at 12 x 16 feet I can think about it in zones to make the most out of the space. My new french cleat organization wall over the drill press bench is a good example of that. In the last year that area has changed numerous times. First I added the bench for the drill press earlier this year that had a bandsaw, then I moved out the bandsaw...you just never know what you will have to work with. Each of the previous incarnations were never considered permanent, because I know that you have to be flexible and be ready to accommodate new tools and orientations if you want to be effective.

Even my overhead camera rig has been changing locations recently. At this point it is on the tinker table because the x-carve is using my former photography table, so you just never know. It may not seem like it but in this small space I have 7 horizontal surfaces, made up of tables, benches and counters that all form these little nooks of specific tools and supplies.

One of the things I keep in mind is that your environment affects you. And that can be both positively and negatively. So I will undoubtedly be changing things once again as the need arises. It seems like I am always trying to add more to my shop, and that means if one new thing comes in, I need to get rid of something else I no longer use. A well-used shop is an constant flux and I expect more changes over the next year.

Mallet Giveaway!

To celebrate that I've hit 20,000 subscribers on YouTube I'm having a mallet giveaway!  

I've been on YouTube a little over a year now and I'm so excited to reach this level with my channel. As a way to say thank you, I want to give away one of my hand crafted mallets.

This is a medium sized mallet (perfect for just about any task) and it's made with an oak head and an ipe handle. 

To enter the giveaway, please subscribe to my weekly newsletter, and make sure you're subscribed to my 2nd channel DarbinNotes. I will contact the winner by email on May 28th. This giveaway is open to the whole world.


Newsletter - Overhead Camera Rig, Popular Mechanics & Giveaway!

Hi guys!

How are things? Everything is going well here in the shop. I'm working on a couple of new video concepts and projects, and trying to perfect my editing too which is always interesting.

Did you get a chance to check out my latest video - DIY Overhead Camera Rig?

This is one of those projects that I've been meaning to make for a long time. Anyone who has ever tried to get overhead shots using a tripod knows how annoying it can be, so this set up makes it a lot easier to comfortably write and record, set up time-lapses and just photograph things from an overhead point of view. 

In terms of the editing on this one, I really wanted to go very pure and simple, with instructions and no nonsense. I think it came out good, and it was featured on Instructables homepage as well as on Popular Mechanics, so that was pretty cool.

Want a little more information about my shoppe and the stuff that I'm making? In this video I go over everything that I have in the shoppe, my thoughts about working with different types of wood and more. Tour of the Darbin Orvar Shoppe Products


I've been on YouTube a little over a year now and I'm just about to hit 20,000 subscribers! I'm quite excited about this and to celebrate I'm going to be hosting a giveaway with one of my mallets. In order to enter the giveaway, I'm asking to subscribe to this newsletter (which YOU already are!) and to make sure you're subscribed to Darbin Notes. So if you want a chance to win one of my mallets, just make sure you're also subscribed to my second channel. I will have a video out soon about this, so this is just a little update on what's to come.


I do this full time, so your support means a lot to me! If you'd like to support what I do, then please check out my Patreon page and consider becoming a Patron for exclusive videos and inside info! http://patreon.com/darbinorvar